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Tom Opens The Door The Passive Is

Tom is opening the door. The door __ opened by Tom. Active And Passive Voice Verbs Have A Voice Too Learning Pack Active And Passive Voice Verbs Anchor Chart Anchor Charts UNIT 8 THE PASSIVE EXERCISE 1. Tom opens the door the passive is . Tom has opened the door. Tom has opened the door. Tom opens the door. Mary helped the boy. The door is being opened by Tom E. Kalimat pada soal menggunakan VERBs OPENs yg menandakan bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah PRESENT TENSE bentuk Active. Play this game to review English. The passive is. The boy was helped by Mary. Tom opens the door. Tom will have opened the door. Tom opens the door. The door __ opened by Tom. Change these active sentences into passive. Aqil membantu bocah itu Passive The boy was helped by Aqil. Tom opened the door. The door is opened by Tom D. The door is being opened. Tom was opening the door. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Has Tom opened the door. Tom had opened t...